Mon - Fri : 09:30 - 17:00


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So-called smart money isn’t always so smart: “When one institution sells off, the rest follow suit,like a herd of sheep.” – Joseph Parnes, Barron’s Sept 05


Custom portfolios may range from fixed income, conservative, and aggressive. Each portfolio is meticulously customized to suite the objectives of our clients. For some clients we cultivate portfolios that seek to maintain aggressive growth oriented positions. Other clients who require a more conservative approach find that we structure portfolios that cater to their needs without sacrificing performance. Portfolio time frames may range from one to three years, with a maximum of five years.
Technomart employs a proprietary bottoms-up approach which focuses on company research, fundamentals, technical analysis and cash flow to valuate superior opportunities for long and short investment opportunities, Strategies may include sector balancing, growth, cash flow, bonds, income, short selling, risk aversion, and other investment strategies. Technomart is fee based and do not operate on commissions, none of the accounts are bulked together, and we do not retain custodianship of the account. Each client account is held at an independent, highly rated and well-capitalized custodial firm where clients can view their investment exposures and performance. Clients have 100% transparency and immediate liquidity.

Technomart enjoys an in-depth knowledge of various market segments and an unprecedented understanding of evolving global market conditions. Technomart’s strategy is customizable, highly scalable, and based on a disciplined and effective approach to market valuations.

Contact us for a complimentary investment portfolio review