Mon - Fri : 09:30 - 17:00


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We specialize in developing fluid, agile, and unique portfolios that take advantage of both a bull OR bear market.

The Technomart strategy utilized in every customized portfolio account includes by fixed income, anchor positions, growth-oriented positions and short positions. The percentage of these groupings will fluctuate up and down based on market conditions. Using both long and short positions gives an advantage in maximizing the profit capacity in both bull and bear markets. This strategy focuses on selecting momentum issues/equities for long positions, augmented by fundamental and technical characteristics. The short selling strategy takes into account equities that are viewed as technically mature, compounded with a foreseen deterioration of their future fundamental status. Our contrarian philosophy comes into play on a daily basis. Typically there is a tendency to take the opposite side from the popular view. The reason is that behind the smart money there is loose money, and that indicates the time to exit is soon to follow. These factors make up the positions to select issues for shorts

Our contrarian objectives can be realized throughout various market cycles based on three simple factors.

  • We are absolutists regarding our investment and trading management which will always be disciplined.
  • We seek to mitigate industry/sector driver volatility by employing a “generalist” approach.
  • Our portfolios are growth oriented with a long bias with short selling abilities.


For more than 30 years we have been committed to maintaining the highest standards and have been recognized as one of the premier independent investment advisories in the country for 9 years in a row by Bloomberg Wealth Manager/Advisor One Magazine (2004-2012). Research us on the internet or take a look at what others are saying about us including Barron’s recent 2012 Money Poll article.


Technomart Investment Advisors offers a varied array of investment options including but not limited to: Non-Custodial Accounts, Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds, IRAs, Deferred Compensation, Retirement, Pension Funds, and Hedge Accounts.

Please feel free to contact us by phone 1-800-877-6555, or via email or click here for a full portfolio kit.

Contact us for a complimentary investment portfolio review